Meet the Taylors and see our crazy TaylorLife

The team behind TaylorLife - David and Alicia Taylor - Aww! Aren't we just adorbs!
Aww! Aren’t we just adorbs! – David and Alicia Taylor sharing our craxy TaylorLife

Who we are as a couple in our crazy TaylorLife

He’s an IT guru lucky enough to name Microsoft and Dell on his resume. She’s a fitness enthusiast, nutrition nut, and healthy-eating foodie.

Together, they make up the empty nest couple – David and Alicia Taylor. We were high school sweethearts. After dating for two years, we broke up. Unfortunately, we each had our own unfortunate, disastrous relationships. We each divorced and found ourselves single once again. We reconnected over and decided to start dating again.  On July 8, 2008, we married and delight in each other still.

We happily reside in the part of the Florida panhandle that locals lovingly refer to as “lower Alabama.” We call it LA for short. Bet you didn’t know there two LAs? Ha!  And we love our quiet country life.  While we are both Florida natives and currently call the sleepy little industrial/farming community home, we’re also no stranger to big city life.  Between the two of us, we’ve lived in 3 different countries, seen most states in the US, and visited over 20 different countries.

Who we are professionally

In addition to having almost 30 IT certifications – including CISSP, MSCE, and (most recently), MSCA, David is a Navy veteran who served in the Persian Gulf on both land and sea. Read more about his extensive IT skills and qualifications on his LinkedIn profile.

Alicia has extensive blogging experience, having started her first website in 1995. She began her second site in 1999. It was one of the first and most popular coupon sites on the internet. In 2014, when we moved from Minneapolis to Florida, she realized she couldn’t give the blog, or it’s 100,000 people following, the attention they deserved. She sold the blog to facilitate the move, and we started TaylorLife in 2016.

Who we are personally

Together, we’ve raised four children.

We are both gamers. Our favorite platform is which ever one has our favorite game – whether it’s Xbox, PlayStation, or PC.

What we write about

We write about our lives and the wacky world that makes our TaylorLife unique.

David occasionally blogs about IT tools, software, and gadgets that can make your life easier. Alicia blogs about healthy recipes, health, home organization, her burnt toast (she’s famous for it!), natural and organic foods, clothes she likes, her weight loss (she lost almost 60 pounds) and her Pinterest fails. Sometimes, we will talk about our cats, or our struggles caring for adult children that still need help.

We may write about our grown children off experiencing their own lives. The oldest has autism, and Alicia helps him with managing finances and his everyday life.

Alicia suffers significant issues with agoraphobia and also writes about its ebbs and flows.  We also write about our experiences that shaped us.

Basically, we are a loquacious, introverted couple, who want to share our perfectly imperfect lives with friends and families. So, there is no telling what you will find here.

If you want to say “hi” or want to work with David or Alicia Taylor, drop us a line on our contact page, or send us an email at