Spring Stitch Fix – What would YOU keep?

Last month, I shared my first Stitch Fix clothing box with you. While I was happy with most of the items in that box, I did return a few.  Since it was my first box, Jessica (my personal stylist) and I are still acquainting ourselves.  I ordered another box and eagerly awaited my March spring Stitch Fix delivery.

As a refresher, Stitch Fix sends you a surprise box of clothing and accessories tailored to your personal style.  It’s based on a style profile quiz and a Pinterest board that you share with your stylist.  You pay a $20 styling fee, but if you keep anything in the box, Stitch Fix credits the styling fee to your bill.  You only pay for what you keep and they include a convenient pre-paid shipping envelope.  If you keep all 5 items, you get a 25% discount.

Last month, I returned a purse I thought was leather.  I asked for a neutral boho bag, a mini skirt, and a statement necklace. I also mention that I live in Florida.  We are already experiencing temps in the 70’s and 80’s.  I don’t like layering in the spring, and don’t currently need any long sleeves.

What was in my Spring Stitch Fix?

Spring Stitch Fix - Bay to Baubles Tristin Hammered Ovals Collar Necklace and Skies are Blue Marshell Button Down Blouse
Spring Stitch Fix – Bay to Baubles Tristin Hammered Ovals Collar Necklace and Skies are Blue Marshell Button Down Blouse

Statement necklace: Jessica fulfilled my statement necklace request and sent this Bay to Baubles Tristin Hammered Ovals Collar Necklace.

I love the way it lays right on top of my collar bones.  When I opened the box, I was unsure about the coppery tone, but it actually looks pretty good on my skin.

It’s lightweight and clasps easily.  Many tops in my wardrobe will go well with it.  Additionally, it’s versatile enough that I could even where it around the fall and winter holidays.

Button Down Blouse: This blank tank is cute, and I love the shiny piping around the neckline.  However, notice the fourth button down in the photo.  The button-hole is completely stitch closed.  Without removing all the thread and re-sewing it, the button-hole is useless.  Besides, I have several similar black tanks.

DECISION: Keep the necklace AND I want more statement jewelry.  Sending back the tank since it’s damaged.

Papermoon Sheydon Trim Detail Blouse
Papermoon Sheydon Trim Detail Blouse

I loved this Papermoon Sheydon Trim Detail Blouse as soon as I pulled it from the box.  It’s the perfect shade of navy blue and the pattern in the horizontal stripes adds just a pop of color that match my favorite jeans!

I dashed to my closet, jumping cat hurdles along the way, dug out these jeans and my sandals. It’s a perfect combination for spring!

BONUS: The necklace looks amazing with it.

You can’t see the pattern in the photo – so here’s a blow up:


Decision: Keep it!

Brixon Ivy Pinson Drape Cardigan
Brixon Ivy Pinson Drape Cardigan

I strongly debated keeping the Brixon Ivy Pinson Drape Cardigan, however, I really don’t wear long sleeves in the spring or summer.

I had asked for no long sleeves in both my earlier feedback, blog post, and personal style profile, but this is the one thing that Jessica got wrong.  It is cute, but it’s just not me.

I don’t mind wearing grays or pastels, but not next to my face.  I feel like they wash me out like a bad photo.  Also, it’s just too warm for sleeves.

Decision: Send it back

Last month, Jessica delighted me with a pair of perfectly fitting Just Black Jeans.  That’s genuine accomplishment with my under-five-foot frame.  I am totally perplexed that this pair didn’t fit at all.  I love the wash, and that they sit below my belly bean, but these jeans fit about 3 inches too wide in the waist and sag in the derriere.   At 44 years old, I don’t need my hiney to look saggy.  It’s totally not a confidence booster.  The legs are also a bit long and drag the ground.

Perhaps inconsistent sizing within the brand is to blame, but I couldn’t justify keeping them.  This one wasn’t Jessica’s boo boo.  The jeans were otherwise great.

Decision: Send them back

Spring Stitch Fix Overall Impression

Jessica’s personal note mentioned she read my blog post blush.  That tickled me.  Being heard feels good.

The Spring Stitch Fix Disappointments

She said that Stitch Fix didn’t have any neutral boho bags like I had pinned and asked for.  While I do love the tops she sent, they aren’t similar to my Pinterest board with much edgier choices.  They also didn’t have any short skirts.  I would have been happier with shorts.

One top arrived damaged, the jeans didn’t fit (though the style was great), and I received a cardigan after asking for no long sleeves.

The Spring Stitch Fix Delights

The jeans, even if ill-fitting, had great style.  I just can’t say enough about the necklace and the Papermoon Detail blouse.  It completed an outfit for me perfectly.

I will wait until summer before ordering another box with high hopes that they re-stock boho bags, shorts, edgier tanks, and short skirts.  Hopefully, I won’t get long sleeves in the summer.

Out of all these items, what would you have kept?


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Happily married to the love of my life. It's just us, our 5 cats, and our beautiful woods. I'm loving living back in the Florida panhandle being close to family. I love cooking, living a healthy lifestyle, taking care of our cozy home, and trying new things.

We enjoy hosting parties and my husband and I are both avid gamers. You can find me on PS4 as SunshineFlaGirl. We also play tabletop RPGs and eurogames.

Alicia Taylor

Happily married to the love of my life. It's just us, our 5 cats, and our beautiful woods. I'm loving living back in the Florida panhandle being close to family. I love cooking, living a healthy lifestyle, taking care of our cozy home, and trying new things.

We enjoy hosting parties and my husband and I are both avid gamers. You can find me on PS4 as SunshineFlaGirl. We also play tabletop RPGs and eurogames.


  • Laura Funk

    March 14, 2016 - 12:06 am

    That papermoon top is pretty! I would keep that. Boo to the pants

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 14, 2016 - 11:40 am

      I love that top! I did get an email back from StitchFix yesterday about the damaged top – and they offered to replace it.

  • brianna

    March 10, 2016 - 10:00 pm

    I have heard of Stitch Fix. I think I want to try it! I really liked that blue tank!

  • Amanda McMahon

    March 8, 2016 - 3:33 pm

    I like that you have the ability to keep or send back some items. I’m not sure these would fit my “larger” but “short” body style, but they work for you!

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 8, 2016 - 4:02 pm

      They fit a bunch of different body sizes. They have petites and plus sizes. I know what you mean though – before I lost 50 pounds, no manufacturer’s seemed to understand that you could be “petite” and still need plus sizes.

  • Becki S

    March 8, 2016 - 8:38 am

    I still haven’t gotten on the stitch fix train but I will admit the thought of getting to try clothes on in my own home is quite appealing!

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 8, 2016 - 12:13 pm

      In a previous post, I talked about suffering from Agoraphobia. This program has been a lifesaver for me and replacing my wardrobe!

  • Lois Alter Mark

    March 7, 2016 - 11:04 pm

    It would be hard for me to buy online this way but I love the things you got. That top looks great on you – I actually love the cardigan too!

  • Bri

    March 7, 2016 - 10:34 pm

    I would definitely keep the necklace. I love the neutral color and how it can be paired with just about any outfit.

  • Claudia Krusch

    March 7, 2016 - 9:44 pm

    I need to give it a try! I’ve heard great things about it! Loved the shirts!

  • Censie

    March 7, 2016 - 9:39 pm

    I love that blouse with the detail. Looks great. I agree on the jeans, not a great fit.

  • Janeane Davis

    March 7, 2016 - 8:08 pm

    I am not familiar with this service. You did make it seem interesting. I will have to go check it out and see if it would work for me.

  • keikilani

    March 7, 2016 - 7:54 pm

    That necklace is FABULOUS!!! Too bad about the other items not working out. I am sure that was a little bit of a let down.

  • Helene Cohen Bludman

    March 7, 2016 - 6:23 pm

    Too bad about the items that didn’t work out. Love the necklace.

  • Jessica

    March 7, 2016 - 6:23 pm

    I totally agree with you about the statement jewelry! That’s a beautiful necklace and looks so unique!

  • Heather Johnson

    March 7, 2016 - 5:06 pm

    I would have kept the Papermoon Sheydon Trim Detail Blouse. The jeans definitely did not fit you!

  • stephanie manley

    March 7, 2016 - 4:58 pm

    I love Stitch Fix! I would keep the jewelry for sure and agree with everything else you sent back. I don’t mind sending things back as long as the company is easy to work with. Great post. Thanks!

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 7:44 pm

      Yeah – so easy to work with. They even send a postage paid envelope with the order.

  • Heather Lawrence

    March 7, 2016 - 3:22 pm

    Ditch the jeans, keep the sweater! It looks so dang cute on you!
    I’m picky too but always up for something new so this would be something I can see myself trying!

  • Neely

    March 7, 2016 - 2:58 pm

    I like the navy top a lot! Super cute!

  • christine

    March 7, 2016 - 2:17 pm

    I’ve often thought about trying out Stitch Fix but I’m so nervous that nothing will fit and I”ll be bummed. I love the top you kept and the necklace too. I have a hard time picking out statement jewelry and that looks great.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 2:48 pm

      As short as I am, I was worried about the same thing. This is the first time I got something that didn’t fit, though.

  • Cathy

    March 7, 2016 - 1:53 pm

    I think I’d definitely go with the blouse that has the pretty trim.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 2:47 pm

      That was the one I kept, too 🙂

  • Chelle @ A is For Adelaide

    March 7, 2016 - 1:45 pm

    I love the blouse! I am not sure the necklace is something I would keep- I almost think on my 5’8″ frame it would look a bit over powering.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 1:46 pm

      I am all about the statement jewelry look – but I like edgy 🙂 I loved both blouses. Wish the black one hadn’t been damaged.

  • rebecca

    March 7, 2016 - 12:16 pm

    Ok this sounds fun and yet a little scary. I am definitely going to look into it.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 12:21 pm

      Anticipation, yes! Scary – nope – because there is no risk. You only pay for what you keep – and they only send you a box if you ask for it, so there is nothing to cancel.

  • Jess

    March 7, 2016 - 12:09 pm

    Wow what an awesome idea!! I have always wanted a personal stylist, but the prices are insane! This is a perfect alternative

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 12:11 pm

      Their prices are actually pretty reasonable and comparable to what you would pay for nice clothing in a boutique store. They also give you a 25% discount if you keep everything.

  • Ashley @irishred02

    March 7, 2016 - 11:18 am

    The blue looks really good on you, I like the embellishment at the top!

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 11:57 am

      Thanks 🙂 I love the blue one, too! And the necklace was just what I wanted.

  • Tamara

    March 7, 2016 - 11:16 am

    I think the blouses look great on you. I’m tough with pants so I can’t imagine pants fitting me because I have strange proportions. I’d have to try, I guess!

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 11:58 am

      Me too – at 4’10, I have a very hard time finding fitting clothing

  • Gloria @ Homemade & Yummy

    March 7, 2016 - 11:09 am

    I have never heard of this before. Sounds interesting, although I know I would likely be sending back more than keeping.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 11:58 am

      The beauty of it is, you only pay for what you keep! I think as the stylist and I get to know each other better, the boxes will only improve. The only thing I really disliked was the cardigan

  • robin masshole mommy

    March 7, 2016 - 11:07 am

    I am VERY picky when it comes to my clothes, so I am not sure if this is right for me, but my SIL loves it and ends up keeping a ton of what they send her.

    • Alicia Taylor

      March 7, 2016 - 11:59 am

      I would have kept more – but the black top was damaged, I don’t like outerwear (in Florida?), and the jeans were too bg

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